SHAONI Born From The Light

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Shaoni - a 'fairy tale' for grown ups

SHAONI tells the story of a young boy who discovers that there is more to life than meets the eye. When his mom passes away after a long disease, Shaoni meets up with an old wizard who teaches him about another world, a world that exists within ours, just a frequency away. Using real life situations as well as fairy tale like stories, the old wizard teaches Shaoni about this 'parallel world', a world of pure energy, a world he can enter at will ... to help him create his boldest dreams.

What if you knew ...
  • how to turn within and quiet the mind
  • how to tune in to your spirit guide
  • how to open up to the higher energies around you
  • how to heal yourself and other people
  • how to attract in your life, the things you need to live a happy and joyful life
Imagine you could! Just by reading some stories.

52 soul stirring stories about a boy discovering the world all anew. 52 refreshing new views on life as we know it. They can all be read independently from one another, yet put together, they also form a story in itself ... the story of the young boy Shaoni as he discovers the other side of reality.






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Shaoni, Born From The Light

What other have said about

Ana B. from Australia said:
Meeting Shaoni, I met myself, as when I was that child. I am still very moved. My mother, a writer too, left her body when I was very young. She had already taught me a few of life's wonderful lessons. My father, who left his body on the same day, 23 years later, gave me his paintings, his book on Merlin and the boy in the magic mountain, and his lessons on determination and creativity. Today, reading your book, a complete new experience yet again.
Serana from Serbia said:
While reading these stories I could feel that the author has put much effort in it to bring the message across. I dare say that I really felt this book. All my life I spent with understanding and using this magic of life. Every word simply breaths my "religion" or "selfconciousness"... I could write a book about this book :-) because I like it so much. I will give this book to anyone as a present for his/her birthday (as I have done with "The Alchemist" for a long time). When I saw that someone could not find his/her place in this world, I bought him/her this book and hoped that it could help them to feel the "energy" and to calm down. I intend to do the same with Shaoni. The issue of the book is very complex but it is written in a plain style so everyone has access to it.
L from Paris said:
I find that I need lots of time to read and re-read each story and then mediate/contemplate the message within for several days before moving onto the next one.
C from Belgium said:
Thank you for the LOVE that vibrates through these stories. Already the first story made me cry of pure happiness, pure love. It helps me to believe that it is not too late ... and motivates me to continue to work to the enlightening of the world.
V from Germany said:
I am always looking forward to the stories of Shaoni. They are all very gentle and deep, also very funny and light. They warm me up and they make me thoughtful about life and how I live. Often they remind me not to get lost, not to loose my own and inner thoughts in the hurry of the hour, the day, the week. The story of the drop of water touched me very deeply. The drop carried me with and I felt very soft and quiet. Thanks for sharing.

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